Saturday, 22 March 2014

Week 5: Tassie keeps on giving

"I can't believe that we used to find the time to fit work in!"

Our days are are filled with so much activity, it is hard to remember when we found the time to even watch the news.

I sit here on the Tasman Peninsula watching the sun slowly set over Norfolk Bay with Hobart somewhere in the distance.  Kelly is scoring and seasoning a freshly caught squid from the calm waters we are camped beside, getting ready to throw the tasty morsel on the BBQ.   The ipod boots out Mark Ronsan through our tiny camp speakers as we settle in for another chilly Tassie evening.

Week five has offered us another week of abundance and stunning beauty a we move down the East Coast of Tasmania.  You HAVE to come and visit this place.  It is simply amazing. 

Can you imagine what it is like to paddle along a secluded bay lined with Australia's finest oysters covering the rocks free for the taking.  The sea life is abundant, wherever we turn there are creatures of the deep. The turquoise waters with their accompanying pure white sandy beaches never disappoint.  Tasmania has knocked our socks off and we haven't even made it half way round!

The trip this week:  Waterhouse Point - St Helens (St Georges Bay)- Humbug Point - Binalong Bay - Bay of Fires - Moulting Lagoon (Freycinet Peninsula) - Cape Surville

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